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소화기내과(위장관)/암, 악성종양

직장암 수술 선택, Rectal cancer: surgical techniques(local excision, sphincter-sparing resection, APR)


아래 조건을 모두 만족하는  early rectal cancer에서는 local excision이 가능합니다.
*  Rectal cancer에서 T1은 muscularis propria에 진입하지 않은 submucosa까지 침범한 경우입니다.
Superficial T0 or T1 rectal cancer.
Tumor less than 3 cm in diameter.
Tumor involves <30 percent of the bowel lumen circumference.
Tumor is mobile and nonfixed.
Able to achieve clear margins with local excision.
Favorable histologic features based upon biopsy (ie, well- to moderately differentiated cancer, no lymphovascular or perineural invasion).
No radiographic evidence of metastatic disease to regional nodes (N0).
Patient compliant with aggressive postoperative surveillance.

Local excision 대상이 아닌 invasive rectal adenocarcinomas 환자에서는 radical transabdominal surgery를 시행합니다. Negative distal margin이 달성될 수 있다면 sphincter-sparing resection(partial 또는 total resection of the rectum(예, low anterior resection [LAR]) followed by a colorectal or coloanal anastomosis)를, 적절한 distal margin을 얻을 수 없다면 abdominal perineal resection(APR)를 시행합니다. 즉 cT2 이상은  sphincter-sparing resection(예, LAR) 또는 APR을 시행합니다. 

다음 기준을 모든 만족하는 rectal cancer는  
sphincter-sparing resection을 시행해야 합니다. 
Invasive rectal cancer cT2-4.
A negative distal margin can be achieved. 
Adequate presurgical anorectal sphincter function.

다음 중의 하나라도 만족하는 invasive, cT2-4 rectal cancer는 
APR을 시행해야 합니다.
A negative distal margin of 1 cm cannot be achieved with any of the sphincter-sparing procedures.
Locally advanced low-lying rectal cancer.
Locally recurrent low-lying rectal cancer (as a salvage procedure).
Poor presurgical anorectal function.

REF. UpToDate 2018.10.09
