피어싱과 관련된 피부 및 연골 감염에서 황생포도상구균과 녹농균이 가장 빈번하게 검출되는 균입니다.
Localized skin or cartilage infection is the most common infectious complication of body piercing, particularly umbilical and ear piercings. In various surveys, the self-reported incidence of localized infection ranged from 10 to 45 percent. Staphylococcus aureus and P. aeruginosa are the most frequently isolated pathogens.
감염이 있으면 피어싱을 제거합니다.
Although there is little evidence to guide this decision, we generally suggest that piercings be removed during treatment of localized infection because of concerns about contamination of hardware. We also suggest discontinuation of commercial aftercare products (which may not have adequate microbicidal activity or may be contaminated with other microorganisms).
합병증을 피하기 위해 국소 또는 전신 항생제를 즉시 투약합니다. 녹농균에 대해서는 경구 시플로플록사신과 같은 항생제를 투약하고 황색포도상구균에 대해서는 국소 무피로신 연고를 바릅니다(경구 시플로플록사신 + 무피로신 연고).치료 전에 배양검사를 시행하고 ear deformity 위험이 있으므로 면밀히 추적관찰합니다(이런 말이 있으면 개인병원 f/u 어려움).
To avoid complications, either local or systemic antibiotics are advised promptly, depending upon the severity of cellulitis. We treat perichondritis of the pinna with topical and systemic antibiotics that provide activity against P. aeruginosa (eg, oral ciprofloxacin) and S. aureus (eg, topical mupirocin). We obtain wound cultures before initiation of systemic antibiotics to guide subsequent therapy if initial treatment fails. Patients with perichondritis should be followed closely because of the increased risk of ear deformity.
REF. UpToDate 2019.12.06
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