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골다공증 주사제, 대웅졸레드론산주사액, IV bisphosphonate, Zoledronic acid injection


남성의 골다공증 치료에 있어 주사제로는 1년에 한 번 맞는 대웅졸레드론산주사 (졸레드로네이트)가 있습니다.

Osteoporosis, prevention of fractures (alternative agent): Note:

Prior to use, evaluate and treat any potential causes of secondary osteoporosis (eg, hypogonadism in males) (ES [Watts 2012]).

Males and postmenopausal females:

High fracture risk patients, including those with a history of fragility fracture or males ≥50 years of age and postmenopausal females with a T-score −2.5 or lower or a T-score between −1 and −2.5 at high fracture risk according to a risk assessment tool (ES [Watts 2012]; Finkelstein 2020; NOF [Cosman 2014]):

Treatment: IV: 5 mg once every 12 months (Reclast, Aclasta [Canadian product]).

Patients with T-scores between −1 and −2.5 and not at high fracture risk according to a risk assessment tool but who desire pharmacologic therapy for prevention of bone loss and/or fracture (Lewiecki 2020; NOF [Cosman 2014]):

Prevention: IV: 5 mg once every 2 years (Reclast) or 5 mg as a single (one-time) dose (Aclasta [Canadian product]).

Duration of therapy: The optimal duration of treatment has not been established. Consider discontinuing after 3 years if bone mineral density (BMD) is stable, there have been no previous fragility fractures, and short-term fracture risk is low. If fracture risk remains high (eg, fragility fracture before or during therapy), consider extending treatment for up to 6 years or switching to alternative therapy. If discontinued, the decision to resume treatment is based on multiple factors, including decline in BMD, duration of discontinuation, and risk factors for fracture (Adler 2016; ES [Eastell 2019]; Watts 2010).

REF. UpToDate 2020.12.16
