폐색전증 치료에서 항응고 치료 (1) [해리슨 20판]
Fibrinolysis clear contraindications
㉠ history of cerebrovascular hemorrhage at any time
㉡ nonhemorrhagic stroke or other cerebrovascular event within the past year
㉢ marked hypertension (systolic >180 mmHg, diastolic >110 mmHg) at any time during the acute presentation
㉣ suspicion of aortic dissection
㉤ active internal bleeding (excluding menses)
Fibrinolysis relative contraindications
(require assessment of the risk-to-benefit ratio)
㉠ current use of anti-coagulants (international normalized ratio ≥2)
㉡ recent (<2 weeks) invasive or surgical procedure
㉢ prolonged (>10 min) cardiopulmonary resuscitation
㉣ known bleeding diathesis
㉤ pregnancy
㉥ hemorrhagic ophthalmic condition (e.g., hemorrhagic diabetic retinopathy)
㉦ active peptic ulcer disease
㉧ history of severe hypertension that is currently adequately controlled