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Metformin was superior in reducing A1C values in previously untreated type 2 diabetes


초기 당뇨병 단독 치료로 메트포민을 먼저 사용하다가

혈당조절이 안되어 2번째 약제를 추가한 경우가 많다 보니

원래 메트포민 단독 치료로 어짜피 원하는 당화혈색소 수치에 도달하지 못할 환자였음에도

메트포민 효능이 약해서 다른 약이 필요한 착각에 빠지는 경우가 있습니다.

DPP4억제제가 메트포민보다 효능이 강할 것 같은?


빌다글립틴 (가브스정) 50 mg [하루 2회]와 메트포민 1000 mg [하루 2회] 중에 어느 것이 더 효능이 강할까요?

In studies of previously untreated patients, vildagliptin had similar A1C-lowering efficacy as rosiglitazone but was less effective than metformin. As an example, in a 52-week noninferiority study of vildagliptin (100 mg daily) versus metformin (titrated to 2000 mg daily) in 780 patients with previously untreated type 2 diabetes, metformin was superior (vildagliptin was not found to be noninferior) in reducing A1C values (between-group difference 0.4 percentage points, 95% CI 0.28-0.65). Goal A1C (<7.0 percent) was achieved by 45 and 35 percent of those who received metformin and vildagliptin, respectively.

REF. UpToDate 2020.07.01

