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2019-nCoV 감염에 대한 조사 대상 환자의 CDC 임상 기준



14일 이내에

1. 확진된 코로나바이러스 환자와 접촉을 한 사람은 발열 또는호흡기 증상/징후

2. Hubei 지역을 여행한 병력이 있는 사람은 발열 그리고호흡기 증상/징후

3. 중국 본토를 여행한 병력이 있는 사람은 입원을 요하는 발열 그리고호흡기 증상/징후


CDC clinical criteria for patients under investigation for 2019-nCoV infection


Clinical features


Epidemiologic risk

Fever* or signs/symptoms of lower respiratory illness (eg, cough or shortness of breath)


Any person, including health care workers, who has had close contact¶ with a laboratory-confirmedΔ◊ 2019-nCoV patient within 14 days of symptom onset

Fever* and signs/symptoms of lower respiratory illness (eg, cough or shortness of breath)


A history of travel from Hubei Province, China within 14 days of symptom onset

Fever* and signs/symptoms of lower respiratory illness (eg, cough or shortness of breath) requiring hospitalization◊


A history of travel from mainland China within 14 days of symptom onset



nCoV: novel coronavirus; CDC: United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

* Fever may be subjective or confirmed.

¶ CDC definition of close contact (any of following):

◆ Being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) or within the room or care area of a 2019-nCoV case for a prolonged period of time while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (eg, gowns, gloves, NIOSH-certified disposable N95 respirator, eye protection); close contact can include caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a health care waiting area or room with a 2019-nCoV case.

◆ Having direct contact with infectious secretions of a 2019-nCoV case (eg, being coughed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.

Δ Documentation of laboratory confirmation of 2019-nCoV may not be possible for travelers or persons caring for patients in other countries.

◊ This category also includes any member of a cluster of patients with severe acute lower respiratory illness (eg, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome) of unknown etiology in whom 2019-nCoV is being considered that requires hospitalization. Such persons should be evaluated in consultation with state and local health departments regardless of travel history.


Reproduced from:

United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Interim Guidance for Healthcare Professionals. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/hcp/clinical-criteria.html(Accessed January 31, 2020).



