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Coronavirus, 코로나바이러스


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금번 Wuhan, 2019-nCoV가 전 세계적으로 문제가 되다 보니 Alert Coronavirus Topic Update가 추가되었습니다. MERS 때는 없었는데...

클릭하고 들어 가 보면,

● Coronaviruses are the cause of 5 to 10 percent of community-acquired upper respiratory tract infections in adults, occurring sporadically or in outbreaks of variable size, and probably also play a role in severe respiratory infections in both children and adults, particularly adults with underlying pulmonary disease and older adults.

● Coronaviruses are medium-sized enveloped positive-stranded RNA viruses whose name derives from their characteristic crown-like appearance in electron micrographs.

Group of coronavirus particles, negatively stained with phosphotungstic acid (PTA). Some variation in size is seen, but shape is relatively uniform. Magnification 144,000x.Reproduced with permission from: McIntosh K, Dees JH, Becker WB, et al. Recovery in tracheal organ cultures of novel viruses from patients with respiratory disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1967; 57:933. Copyright © 1967 Kenneth McIntosh, MD.

● Community-acquired coronaviruses are ubiquitous; wherever investigators have looked, they have been detected. In temperate climates, coronavirus respiratory infections occur primarily in the winter, although smaller peaks are sometimes seen in the fall or spring, and infections can occur at any time of the year.

● Most community-acquired coronavirus infections are diagnosed clinically, although reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction applied to respiratory secretions is the diagnostic test of choice.

● There is currently no treatment recommended for coronavirus infections except for supportive care as needed.

● Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus are discussed in detail separately.

● In late 2019, a novel coronavirus, designated 2019-nCoV, was identified as the cause of an outbreak of acute respiratory illness that has included thousands of cases in China and scattered cases worldwide. The possibility of 2019-nCoV should be considered in patients with fever and/or lower respiratory tract symptoms who reside in or have recently (within 14 days) traveled to the Wuhan area of China or who have had recent close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of 2019-nCoV.

REF. UpToDate 2020.01.28
