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소화기내과(위장관)/암, 악성종양

중간암, 대장내시경 후 대장암(Interval, missed, post-colonoscopy CRCs)


Large retrospective studies from Canada and the United States have used administrative databases to identify patients diagnosed with CRC who had had a colonoscopy performed for any indication 6 to 60 months prior to CRC diagnosis. These interval, missed, or post-colonoscopy CRCs accounted for 6 to 9 percent of all CRCs in their series. Other studies of post-colonoscopy CRC (sometimes called interval cancers) have shown a close inverse relationship between the incidence of these cancers in a colonoscopist's practice and that colonoscopist's adenoma detection rate.

※ Interval cancer : Rt colon >> Lt colon보다 더 많다.

대장내시경 시술자의 습관과 용종 발견률과 역의 관계

REF. UpToDate 2019.05.07
