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Child-Pugh classification


Child-Pugh classification

Child-Pugh classification of severity of cirrhosis       Modified Child-Pugh classification of the severity of liver disease according to the degree of ascites, the serum concentrations of bilirubin and albumin, the prothrombin time, and the degree of encephalopathy. A total Child-Turcotte-Pugh score of 5 to 6 is considered Child-Pugh class A (well-compensated disease); 7 to 9 is class B (significant functional compromise); and 10 to 15 is class C (decompensated disease). These classes correlate with one- and two-year patient survival: class A: 100 and 85%; class B: 80 and 60%; and class C: 45 and 35%.

Child-Pugh classification(표)는 간경변증 환자에서 on-shunt operations의 위험을 평가하는 데 사용되어 왔습니다. 이것은 간경변증 환자에서 portacaval shunt surgery의 위험을 계층화하기 위해 고안된 5 가지 변수를 통합 한 Child-Turcotte classification를 수정한 것입니다. Child-Turcotte classification 변수로는 혈청 알부민과 빌리루빈, 복수, 뇌증, 영양 상태를 포함했습니다. (Table) Child-Pugh classification는 영양 상태를 프로트롬빈 시간으로 바꾼 것입니다. 점수는 5 점에서 15 점까지입니다. 점수가 5 점 또는 6 점인 환자는 Child-Pugh class A cirrhosis (well-compensated cirrhosis), 점수가 7 점에서 9 점 사이인 환자는 Child-Pugh class B cirrhosis (significant functional compromise), 점수가 10 ~ 15 점인 사람은 Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis (decompensated cirrhosis)입니다.

복부 수술을 받았던 간경변증 환자 92 명의 사망률은 Child-Pugh class A cirrhosis 환자에서 10 %, Child-Pugh class B cirrhosis 환자에서 30 %, Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis에서 82 %였습니다. C 형 간경변증 (class C Cirrhosis). 다른 연구들은 수술 위험 평가를 위한 Child-Pugh classification의 유용성을 입증했습니다.

Child-Pugh classification system는 또한 수술을 받지 않은 환자의 생존과 상관 관계가 있습니다. Child-Pugh class A, B 및 C cirrhosis 환자의 1 년 생존율은 각각 약 100, 80, 45 %입니다. Child-Pugh class는 또한 간경변증의 합병증이 발생할 가능성과 관련이 있습니다. 예를 들어, Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis 환자는 Child-Pugh class A cirrhosis 환자보다 정맥 출혈을 일으킬 가능성이 훨씬 더 높습니다.

REF. UpToDate 2018.09.29
