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운동 유발성 천식, 치료와 예방, EIB/EIA, quick relief and preventive treatment


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운동 유발성 천식에서  SABAs(albuterol [salbutamol], levalbuterol)는 빠른 증상 경감을 위한 가장 효과적인 치료제입니다.

2 회 흡입하는 것으로 일반적으로 충분하고 때때로 4회 흡입이 필요합니다. 

Ipratropium은 일반적으로 빠른 증상 경감을 위해 사용되지 않는데 그 이유는 기관지 확장 발현에 15분 정도 시간 지연이 있기 때문입니다. 

Short-acting beta-agonists (SABAs; albuterol [salbutamol], levalbuterol) are the most effective therapy for quick relief of EIB. All patients who report exercise-related symptoms should have access to a SABA for quick relief and be instructed on correct technique. Two puffs are generally sufficient; occasionally four puffs are needed. Ipratropium is generally not used for quick relief as bronchodilation is delayed (onset at 15 minutes and peak at 1 to 2 hours) compared with SABAs. Cromolyn sodium is not effective for quick relief.

빈번한 EIB가 있는 환자들은 운동 5-15분 전에 SABA를 예방적으로 사용합니다. 

In addition, patients who have well-controlled asthma, but frequently have asthma symptoms with exercise, should be instructed to use prophylactic treatment approximately 5 to 15 minutes before exercise, usually with two puffs of a SABA (eg, albuterol, levalbuterol). Patients with more severe EIB may require higher prophylactic doses of the inhaled SABA (eg, four puffs). Equipotent doses of formoterol, salmeterol, and terbutaline appear to be equally effective in providing short-term control of EIB, although the onset of action is slower with salmeterol than with the other agents.

SABA의 빈번한 사용은 tolerance와 효능 감소를 초래할 수 있습니다. 따라서 운동을 규칙적으로 하는 운동선수들에게는 SABA의 일상적 사용이 필요하지 않을 정도로 충분한 천식 조절을 목표로 하는 것이 선호됩니다.

However, frequent use of inhaled beta-agonists may lead to tolerance and decreased efficacy. Thus, it is preferable for athletes who exercise regularly to aim for sufficient control of their asthma that beta-agonist pretreatment is not routinely needed.

REF. UpToDate 2018.06.20  
