Iron Deficiency Anemia
GI evaluation of iron deficiency anemia is indicated in adult men, regardless of age, and postmenopausal women. Women who have not reached menopause may warrant a GI evaluation after obvious or potential causes of iron deficiency and blood loss, such as chronic menorrhagia, have been excluded. Colonoscopy should be performed first, followed by upper endoscopy and push enteroscopy if the colonoscopy is negative. Duodenal biopsy specimens should be taken to look for evidence of celiac disease. In the absence of other potential sources of iron deficiency anemia, H. pylori should be treated, if present, because H. pylori infection decreases iron absorption and may produce microerosions that bleed. If all three of these endoscopic procedures are unrevealing, capsule endoscopy should be performed. If the capsule study is negative, investigation into non-GI causes of iron deficiency may be pursued.
폐경 후 여자, 나이에 상관 없이 성인 남자에서 철결핍성 빈혈이 있으면 위장관 평가를 받아야 합니다. 폐경 전 여성이더라도 생리과다와 같은 빈혈의 원인이 될만한 질환이 없다면 위장관 평가를 받아야 합니다. 대장내시경 검사를 먼저 시행해야 하고 검사가 음성이면 위내시경과 push enteroscopy를 시행합니다. 모든 내시경 검사에서 음성이면 캡슐 내시경을 시행합니다. 캡슐 내시경에서도 음성이면 위장관 이외의 원인을 고려합니다.
REF. Goldman's Cecil medicine, 26th edition
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