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성인 예방접종 안내서 제2판 2018 [사람유두종바이러스 감염증]


※ 만 27세 이후 여성에서 암 예방 효과는 입증되지 않았으나 만 27세 이상이라도 성생활을 시작하지 않았거나 HPV 노출 기회가 적은 여성의 경우는 이론적으로 암 예방 효과를 기대할 수 있음.

※ 젊은 성인 및 청소년에서 예방접종 후 실신 보고 빈도가 높음. 실신으로 인한 외상 예방을 위해 앉거나

누워서 접종하고, 접종 후에도 그 상태로 20-30분간 관찰. 가다실 예방접종 후 실신 가능성이 잇으며 이로 인한 신체 상해 가능성이 있으므로 백신 접종 후 앉아서 경과 관찰이 필요.

Data from both registration trials and post-licensure safety surveillance systems demonstrate that the vaccine is safe and well tolerated apart from mild injection site reactions. Postvaccination syncopal events have emerged as a potential serious adverse effect, although it does not appear unique to HPV vaccination, since syncope after vaccination occurs with other vaccines administered to adolescents. A waiting time after vaccination is recommended to try to reduce the likelihood of injury from possible syncope.

Among serious events, headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, syncope, and generalized weakness were the most frequently reported.

There does appear to be an increased risk of syncope with the quadrivalent vaccine, but whether this is unique to this vaccine is unclear.

The incidence of syncope among adolescents has increased overall with the introduction of other routine immunizations as well, such as meningococcal vaccine.

REF. UpToDate 2019.10.26


