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성인 예방접종 안내서 제2판 2018 [대상포진]



※ 대상포진을 앓은 경우 자연면역을 얻는 효과가 있으나 예방접종을 원하는 경우 접종 가능하며, 최소 6~12개월이 경과한 후 접종하는 것을 권장이 추가되었습니다.


이전 대상포진을 앓은 병력이 있는 50세 이상 환자들도 대상포진 백신을 맞아야 하는데, 대상포진 자체가 몇 년 동안 VZV-특이 면역을 올려주는 역할을 하므로 전형적으로 대략 1년 정도 연기합니다.

Patients with prior herpes zoster infection — Patients age 50 years or older with a history of herpes zoster should receive zoster vaccine. However, the timing of vaccination in a patient with a recent episode of zoster is uncertain. We typically delay vaccination for approximately one year, since herpes zoster itself will boost VZV-specific immunity for several years. Guidelines from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not indicate a specific length of time a patient should wait to get vaccinated after an episode of herpes zoster, but do state that RZV should be delayed until the acute stage of the illness is over and symptoms resolve (eg, the rash has gone away).


Studies have found that ZVL can be safely administered to patients ≥50 years of age with a prior history of herpes zoster, although efficacy in this situation has not been established . Studies of RZV in such patients are currently underway, but there is no reason to believe that there would be any safety concerns.


RZV : recombinant zoster vaccine ; sold as Shingrix

ZVL : zoster vaccine liver ; sold as Zostavax

