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급성 세균성 부비동염의 가장 흔한 세균, Distribution of pathogens in acute bacterial rhinosinusitis


급성 세균성 부비동염과 관련된 가장 흔한 세균은 Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis이며 앞의 2개가 약 75 %를 차지합니다.

The most common bacteria associated with ABRS are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis, with the first two comprising approximately 75 percent of cases of ABRS. When ABRS is due to extension of dental root infection into the sinus cavity, microaerophilic and anaerobic bacteria may be identified. ABRS is typically caused by a single pathogen in high concentration, although two distinct pathogens in high concentrations are isolated in approximately 25 percent of patients

Distribution of pathogens in acute bacterial rhinosinusitis


Incidence (%)

Streptococcus pneumoniae

20 to 43

Haemophilus influenzae

22 to 36

Moraxella catarrhalis

2 to 16

Staphylococcus aureus

10 to 13

Streptococcus pyogenes


Data from:

​Hadley JA, Mosges R, Desrosiers M, et al. Moxifloxacin five-day therapy versus placebo in acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Laryngoscope 2010; 120:1057.

Rosenfeld RM, Piccirillo JF, Chandrasekhar SS, et al. Clinical practice guideline (update): Adult sinusitis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2015; 152:S1.

REF. UpToDate 2019.06.18
