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1. LBBB에서 ST와 T파는 discordant direction입니다.

2. Serial ECGs가 dynamic ST change를 보이면 ischemia가 진행 중임을 나타냅니다.

...ischemia, infarction etc.

3. 원래는 없었는데 새로운 LBBB는 항상 병적인 것이고 심근경색의 징후일 수 있습니다.

LBBB 환자에서 심근경색을 진단하는 original Sgarbossa Criteria는 다음과 같습니다.

편의상 A, B, C라고 할 때, A와 B는 심근경색에 특이적입니다. 3점 이상일 때 특이적인데 어느 leads에서라도 ST 상승이 1 mm 이상이거나 V1-V3에서 ST 하강이 1 mm 이상인 경우입니다.

A. Concordant ST elevation > 1mm in leads with a positive QRS complex (score 5)

B. Concordant ST depression > 1 mm in V1-V3 (score 3)

C. Excessively discordant ST elevation > 5 mm in leads with a -ve QRS complex (score 2).

C에 해당하는 경우인 어느 leads에서라도 > 5 mm 상승인 것은 특이도가 떨어져 modified Sgarbossa Criteria가 제안되었고 ST deviations > 5 mm 대신 선행하는 S파에 대한 ST 상승이 > 25%인 것으로 정의하였습니다.

Modified Sgarbossa Criteria:

A. ≥ 1 lead with ≥1 mm of concordant ST elevation

B. ≥ 1 lead of V1-V3 with ≥ 1 mm of concordant ST depression

C. ≥ 1 lead anywhere with ≥ 1 mm STE and proportionally excessive discordant STE, as defined by ≥ 25% of the depth of the preceding S-wave.

There is 1mm concordant ST elevation in aVL (= 5 points)

There is concordant ST depression in V2-5 (= Sgarbossa positive).

There is 1mm concordant ST elevation in II, III, aVF (= 5 points)

There is 1mm concordant ST elevation in aVL, V4-6 (= 5 points)

There is 1mm concordant ST elevation in aVL (= 5 points)

There is concordant ST depression in V1-3 (= Sgarbossa positive).

There is 1mm concordant ST elevation in aVL, V5-V6 (= 5 points)

There is 1mm concordant ST elevation in I, aVL, V5 (= 5 points)

There is concordant ST depression in V1-3 (= Sgarbossa positive).

There is concordant ST depression in V3 (= Sgarbossa positive).

There is concordant ST depression in V3 (= Sgarbossa positive).

There is 1mm concordant ST elevation in I, aVL (= 5 points)

There is concordant ST depression in V3 (= Sgarbossa positive).

≥ 25% of the depth of the preceding S-wave : Revised Sgarbossa criteria

≥ 25% of the depth of the preceding S-wave : : Revised Sgarbossa criteria

Sgarbossa criteria — A large, historic trial of thrombolytic therapy for acute MI (GUSTO-1) provided an opportunity to revisit the issue of the electrocardiographic diagnosis of evolving acute MI in the presence of LBBB. Among 26,003 North American patients who had a myocardial infarction confirmed by enzyme studies, 131 (0.5 percent) had LBBB. A scoring system, often called the Sgarbossa criteria, was developed from the coefficients assigned by a logistic model for each independent criterion, on a scale of 0 to 5.

The three ECG criteria with an independent value in the diagnosis of acute infarction and the score for each were:

● ST segment elevation of 1 mm or more that is in the same direction (concordant) as the QRS complex in any lead: score 5.

● ST segment depression of 1 mm or more in any lead from V1 to V3: score 3.

● ST segment elevation of 5 mm or more that is discordant with the QRS complex (ie, associated with a QS or rS complex): score 2.

However, prominent J point elevations may occur in V1-V2 solely due to left ventricular hypertrophy or in other settings. Therefore, a ratio (expressed in absolute units) in any relevant lead of the amplitude of the ST-elevation lead divided by the S wave amplitude in that lead that equals or exceeds 0.25 has been proposed as having greater accuracy than the original (not normalized) Sgarbossa criterion. A higher ratio indicates relatively greater ST elevation. The diagnostic superiority of this modified (STE/S wave) criterion as compared with the original "Sgarbossa rule #3" was supported by the findings of a retrospective case-control study.

A Sgarbossa score of ≥3 was highly specific (ie, few false positives) but much less sensitive (36 percent) in the validation sample in the original report. Similar findings were noted in a subsequent meta-analysis of 10 studies of 1614 patients in which a Sgarbossa score of ≥3 had a sensitivity of 20 percent and a specificity of 98 percent. The sensitivity may increase if serial or previous ECGs are available or if the modified criteria (including STE/S wave ratio described above) are used.

In addition to their utility in diagnosis, the Sgarbossa criteria (and their validated modifications) may also predict prognosis in patients with acute MI.


UpToDate 2019.09.27


